Step 1 – Choose your event:
- Click on Order in the left hand nav
- Click on Box Office
- Choose your Main Event
- Choose the Date of your event
- Choose the Event if more than one event on that date
- Choose the type of tickets or packages to sell under Product
- Click Next

Step 2 – Choose your tickets:
- Choose your ticket by selecting the exact seats on the left or by quantity on the right
- Filters are available to refine your ticket search
- Click Select to continue

Step 3 – Choose Channel and Price Code (Optional)
- Channel – Choose which sales channel the sale is from. Box Office is the default for any customers in person or on the phone
- Apply Price Code to All – Choose the price code for the channel sale you are entering in
- Price Code – You can choose a different price code per ticket. Example, Adult and Child
- Click confirm to apply Price Code update
Note: If there are not channels or price codes, this step is skipped automatically.

Step 4 – Add your customer
- Type in the field to search for the customer or click the blue button to create customer
- If your order is referred from another source, you can add the order number
- Affiliate sales not done on line can be amended using this field

Step 5 – Payment:
- Edit will allow you to enter or update the billing address for a credit card
- Pick Up Name will allow you to change the name for will call and box office pick up
- Select one of the payment method buttons to complete the order creation.
- Credit – For In Person (Stripe Machine) or Phone orders
- Cash – For cash transactions
- Comp – For orders with $0 value
- Save Order – For orders where payment will be collected later
- Pre Paid – For customers redeeming vouchers or gift certificates