Comp Order Instructions


This article explains how to create an order with comp as payment or how to comp an order.


Create Order

  1. Select Create Order
  2. Choose your Event
  3. Choose your event date and time if applicable. If there are not multiple dates or times, you will not need to select anything.
  4. Choose the product from the drop down options.
  5. Click Next

Select Tickets

  1. select the quantity of tickets you want.
  2. Click Next

Choose Price Code

  1. From the drop down menu “Apply Price Code to All”, select COMP (note: you can also choose individual tickets vs. all the tickets. Example: if you want to ony comp 1 ticket out of the order and then the customer pays for the other tickets)
  2. You will see the price change from full price to $0
  3. Click Confirm

Zero Out Order

  1. Remove all fees from order by tapping “X” next to each fee
  2. Confirm fee removal in pop up that appears.

Add Customer and Confirm Order

  1. Add new customer or choose an existing customer
  2. in External Order # box, indicate who or what the comp is for. Example “X105 Radio Station”
  3. Click COMP to complete the order.